PRODUCTION TIME: 5-7 working days, 72 hour rush service is available at no extra charge. Please call factory for availability.
PURCHASE ORDERS: Phone orders are not accepted. Orders must include item number, description, current pricing, all additional charges, imprint color, imprinting position, and any other imprinting instructions. If promotion or special is being used, please specify on purchase order. Special pricing or promotions will not be processed automatically or adjust once order is received by factory.
IMPRINITNG & LASER ENGRAVING CHARGES: All prices include 1 color. 1 position imprint or laser. Screen/Set up charge: $50.00 (C) Repeat orders: $25.00 (C) for set up. Additional colors: $50.00 (C) running. OXIDATION: Where necessary add $.30(C). ARTWORK: Must be black & white camera ready, color separated. Up to 200% of the actual size is ok. If artwork requires touch up, there will be a minimum charge of $25.00(C). E-MAIL: Black and white (color separated) PC format files in Illustrator EPS or Corel Draw. A hard copy of the artwork must be faxed attached with the purchase order.
TYPESETTING: All straight line copy must be typeset, otherwise there will be a minimum charge of $15.00 (C). PMS COLORS: We match PMS colors as close as possible. PROOFS: Faxed paper proof no charge. Actual product proof $50.00(C) per color, plus the cost of item and shipping. OVER & UNDER RUNS: Every effort is made to ship the exact quantity ordered. Please accept 5% overs/unders to complete order.
CANCELLATIONS: All cancellation must be in writing & are subject to all cost incurred until the date of cancellation.
SAMPLE POLICY: Purchase orders are required for all sample orders. Samples are billed at the end of column price plus freight charges.
DROP SHIPMENT: $5.00(C) per location plus freight charges.
SHIPPING: UPS or specified. F.O.B. California DISCLAIMER: Precision Products Printed shall not be responsible for the inability to ship any order due to quota restrictions clearing through U.S. customs, or freight delays. All artwork, design and trademarks imprinted on the products in this catalog are reproduced only as examples to illustrate the basic product and its ability to include message and art on them. Products displayed are not intended to represent that they are either endorsed or produced for the owners of the artwork, design or trademarks. All artwork displayed is the property of the respective companies. We cannot duplicate any artwork shown for any one other than the original distributor.